I was born on March 13 1959 in Osaka, Japan. I studied the piano for a few years, from when I was 4 years-old. I loved classical music when I was a young boy . And I began to study classical Guitar when I was 15 years old. I was introduced to Scott Joplin's Ragtime music when I was a high school student. I was in a Tokyo Record shop looking through the classical records and I came across an Edward Power Biggs recording. I knew of him as an organist of classical music but this record was different. It was " E. Power Biggs plays Scott Joplin." I bought the record knowing nothing of Ragtime or Scott Joplin. I wanted to play the Joplin tunes on guitar. But I couldn't transpose them. A funny story: I was 15 at the time and really didn't understand the difference between classical and classic ( in Japan this mistake is still made ) so I thought Ragtime was classical music from America. I wanted to study classical music more thoroughly and so I studied at the Japan Guitar Music Academy, in Tokyo. In 1994, I wrote a book called "Ragtime for Guitar". This book is a collection of Scott Joplin rags, Waltzes and March tunes. Eight of these I arranged in the 1980's for the Japanese Magazines "School Guitar" and "Guitar Music". The nine other tunes I added for this book. I have two Studios, one in Osaka and one in Kobe. I was in the Kobe Earthquake of JAN.1995. But I had little damage. I donated the money for the Red Cross which was helping the earthquake victims, from my book profits.